This Is the Dystopian Future You Were Warned About

William Maize
11 min readDec 4, 2020

A rant in several parts.

I’ve been fairly radio silent for a while now. Mostly because I wanted to make sure I wasn’t letting myself get carried away. Maybe I was being too reactionary. Too paranoid. Didn’t want to let myself come off as someone unhinged. Too cynical. Exhausting to be around.

But I need to get this off of my chest. I can be relatively secure in my beliefs based on my previous resistance to conspiracy theorizing. I always thought of myself as a rational person; someone who didn’t fall easily for conspiracy theories, doomsday prophecies, or falsehoods. I never bought into the “9/11 Was an Inside Job” thing, and chuckled at the folks who said Mayan prophecy foretold the end of the world in 2012.

This isn’t to say I’m infallible. I can be wrong, and have been wrong. But in this case, if I am wrong, the state of the world is even worse than it would be how I perceive it now.

I have had a suspicion for the past few years that this country, and the world, was headed for some hard times. After all, The Roman Empire fell at some point, maybe we were due?

Despite dramatic improvements in quality of life thanks to advances in medicine, science, computing and agriculture, people seemed to be more nihilistic, aimless, and despondent.

While the number of people living in poverty and enduring starvation plummeted around the world, and people in this country can get nearly any consumer good they can think of delivered to their door within a day with the click of a button at a decent price, we hear calls for revolution due to the “failures of capitalism”.

We enjoy a literal endless supply of entertainment streamed into our homes yet feel bored.

We have been liberated of almost every proscription of any conceivable sexual act, complete with instant and easy access to a steady stream of pornography, but never satiate our lust, or fulfill our loneliness.

Many of us work in service jobs in front of a screen instead of toiling in coal mines yet feel exhausted and abused.

We have cast aside Old Habits, Old Customs, and Old Ideas in triumph, as we marched forward to a more “progressive” future, yet feel as uncertain about our futures as ever.

And I can’t help but to think: “Maybe traditions exist for a reason”

Maybe hedonism and endless gratification are not the answers to a fulfilled life.

Maybe, just maybe, a life where one is well fed and every whim is catered to resembles something more like the life of livestock than one of a human being.

Maybe we are already in our cages, and most don’t realize it.

Tyler Durden’s words come to mind:

Our Great War is a Spiritual War. Our Great Depression Is Our Lives

This sense of foreboding has been with me for a while, but has intensified more recently. The concerns that society was in for a shakedown has echoed louder and louder in my head with each passing day.

For one, the Orwellian Doublethink, pandering, strawmanning, sensationalism and outright bald-faced deception that I have witnessed from the establishments many have trusted (perhaps erroneously) for years, decades, and even centuries helped. The notion that any sense of truth can come out of the media has been thoroughly dispelled. These institutions have traditionally been skewered on this charge, but their mask has not just been taken off, but ripped off, as your friendly anchor can now sit there and blatantly tell you things that you know for a fact are not true.

Stories that were run that are now contradicted sometimes weeks or sometimes days later by the same author. Memory holed.

The same jargon, buzzwords, themes, narratives, and oftentimes whole complete sentences that are repeated by these so-called “competing” networks, newspapers, and magazines.

The complete rejection, ridicule, vitriol, and scorn for any opinion, or any statement of fact, for that matter, which dares to contravene said accepted narrative.

Events you personally witness that are reported as not happening how you saw it with your own eyes.

Court reports that, if you bothered to read them, say precisely the opposite of what the talking head tells you what it said.

These are not the traits you see from journalists.
These are the traits of propagandists.

These are the traits of an institution explicitly set up to gaslight you into accepting a false reality.
That 2+2=5.

I used to be under the illusion that we lived in a free society with rights, a rule of law, and something of a national ethos and shared principle. I have since been relieved of that comforting delusion.

And that has been slowly eroded. It gets worn down after you watch powerful politicians get caught red handed in schemes to enrich themselves by selling out their country without ever being considered for prosecution, while the common man gets 10 years for selling plant material.

But it has since culminated into the absolute insanity that is the year 2020.

This year, I witnessed Americans, my countrymen, a nation once known for its independence, philosophy of individualism, refusal to become subjects, bend over and kiss the boot of every bureaucrat, local politician, “official”, store manager, gas station attendant and social media platform that would order them to do so.

I’ve never seen this people so eager to follow orders. To subjugate themselves to discomfort at best, and utter humiliation and willing imprisonment at worst.

As of this writing, the entire City of Los Angeles is under an order to not leave their homes. They are told they are not allowed to drive their cars, ride their bikes. They have been sentenced to house arrest. What law did they break? Hah! Who are you kidding? Laws don’t matter anymore.

Non-elected bureaucrats sitting on numerous, boards, commissions, committees, and “governing bodies” have no job, and produce nothing but to churn out a ceaseless list of rules and regulations for their chattel.I have a feeling these people delight in seeing what kind of baseless, humiliating, ridiculous, and downright nonsensical hoops they can get people to jump through before they finally break them.

This is to say nothing of the Mayors and Governors, who have decided to live out their inner Dictator, and to start issuing decrees as if they were Octavian Augustus.

You may have been under the impression that you could only be deprived of life, liberty or property when a body of your peers that you elect convene to debate and decide on actual laws. They would presumably vote on these matters for us as our representatives, and only with the consent of the governed would this law take effect and only with the added restriction that it doesn’t violate a superseding law, like, say, the Constitution.

But this is a silly notion. Those days are LONG gone.

What we are seeing now is an army of bureaucrats empowered by the legislature and the executive to basically do whatever the hell they want to do, or do whatever is ordered of them to do.

Now. What does this remind me of?

Oh yeah, this complaint from some old document no one cares about anymore:
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

And that leads me to wonder: if the legislature isn’t actually making law, what the hell do they do all day?
I think you know the answer to that question.

Hint: It involves deal making. Strangely, it involves deal making while acting as agents of the government, which is allegedly not a business operation or organized crime syndicate. Of course, it is an organized crime syndicate, but we call it the “State” to give it some kind of semblance of respectability.

Now if I told you last year that within one year Americans would be ordered to dutifully cancel Holidays, shutter their businesses, and imprison themselves in their own homes you probably would think “Americans would never put up with that! There would be a rebellion! There would have to be some kind of World War III event to warrant that kind of response!”

All you have to do is tell that person that it’s because of a sickness which “kills” about 00.01% of the people under 70 that get it, and about 3% of the people over 70 that get it. That is, even if these spurious numbers are accurate, as these are defined as deaths that may be caused by the WuFlu.

And you’d think that a world-ending, disastrous pandemic would make a dent in the population. That there’d be a lot of people dying this year.

Strangely, the overall number of people that died of any cause in the US this year is actually lower than in 2019 and 2018.

But that’s about it. The State has realized that all you have to do, is make it seem like there is some crisis that holds some degree of danger, and people will do whatever you tell them to, regardless of how ridiculous or even downright silly those fiats are.

Oh and of course, these rules only apply to Plebs. The Ruling Class doesn’t have to abide. Win Win.

People don’t like it? They’re being selfish.

They start whining about their stupid little “Constitutional rights”? They should check their privilege. Know their place.
Get in line, commoner.

People worried that their business is going to be destroyed? Don’t worry, we’ll print more money, and then you can put that right back in our pockets, as you spend it on the giant corporations that we have cushy deals with that just so happen to be doing great in this environment because we carved out enough exceptions for them to operate without issue.

Don’t worry about the business or a job! The State will take care of you. Never mind the fact that the trillions of dollars of debt we accrue will be payable by you and your children and your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren, thus ensuring an unending life of debt slavery to prop up the failing ship.

I mean, it’s not like that ever happened before, like, you know, in Zimbabwe, or Venezuela, where the serfs had to eat their dogs to stay alive after their government ran the country into the ground. That’s just right-wing misinformation.

We’ll get it right this time. It’s the ethical thing to do. Now what else could the proles have a problem with?

Oh, you still want to complain? Well then you leave us no choice but to cut out your tongue.

I was speaking with a friend of mine who put it perfectly:
People are being taught that fear is a virtue.

Used to be people were able to ascertain risk on their own, and act in accordance to their will and reasoning. Risk often leads to reward when properly considered. You no longer have that choice.

I would add “obedience” to the “virtue” we are being told we must strive for.

Just Wear the mask. Stay at home. Close your Business. Disclose your whereabouts and known associates when told. Get the injection. Shut your mouth, and sometimes, quite literally, bend the knee.

It’s the only way to be safe, after all.

But what am I whining about? If I don’t like it I should just vote these people out of office right?

Yeah, about that…

We now have video of what went on during that “water main burst” that evacuated the State Farm Arena during Georgia’s election night. (The water main was an overflowing toilet in the other end of the building, it was later discovered)

The media and poll watchers were removed from the building, and then the video clearly shows a few folks remaining behind… To retrieve cases of ballots stashed under tables and continue counting. Without oversight.

During the “water main” emergency.

At about the same exact time Biden’s lead overtook Trump.

But that’s not the best part. The best part is that this video was first seen in public today at the Georgia hearing on the election, and that that the GA Secretary of State who was at that hearing blew a gasket, speaking with the kind of indignant, quavering voice a murder suspect might use in front of a judge when he knows the evidence is all against him. “I was framed! This evidence is all bullshit! This is a travesty of justice!”

She sounded like a woman afraid of prison, if I were to be honest.

She was claiming all the testimony is merely misconception and a “misunderstanding of the election process.”

But the very best part is when she had the temerity to claim that this video, which no one has seen up to this point, had been “debunked”.

I want you to recall that in 2016 the media tried to crucify Trump over allegations of voter fraud that were based on absolutely zero evidence. The most they could come up with is that some Russians spent a couple hundred bucks on Facebook ads during the election. Scandalous.

But this? And all the other testimony? Evidence? EXTREMELY suspicious statistics? The Dominion software “glitches”? The Dominion software execs all of a sudden disappearing? The Extremely odd stoppage of votes in all of the swing states Trump was winning early in the morning, only for all of those states to flip after all resuming the count at about the same time?

Radio silence.

All Totally normal. You’d have to be a conspiracy theorist to think something was going on.

I remember Trump saying something like “We don’t want to see a sudden dump of thousands of suspicious ballots at 4 am or anything” at about 2 am on election night.

1–2 hours later and Biden is all of a sudden pulling away.

Now, I can describe this one of three ways that I can think of:

A: An almost entirely implausible huge coincidence

B: Trump knew what was going on, and was ready for it

C: Trump’s actually in on the scheme, in the most bizarre double agent backstab in history. THIS would probably be the craziest conspiracy theory I can think of.

I think there’s only one option that really makes any sense at all.

Again, I feel like I have to explain myself here. I was never the Illuminati guy. I never gave it a thought.
But between:

the “Great Reset” being named as a “conspiracy theory” by the New York Times after Trudeau and the World Economic Forum have been discussing it openly, by name, in public, going hand in hand with Biden adopting the “Build Back Better” slogan, which is also adopted by several Globalist world leaders and

The absolute strangeness surrounding the COVID thing, and almost too on-the-nose refutations of anything opposing the narrative about it, and

The absolute strangeness surrounding the 2020 Election, and almost too on-the-nose refutations of anything opposing the narrative about it

The fact that all of these things are interrelated and dependent on one another

Makes me think these are at least somewhat planned. Maybe not by one specific shadowy “group” of people, but a disparate collection of True Believers working together. People in positions of power who truly believe they are doing something right, but feel that any means necessary are acceptable to achieve it.(Or maybe they’re just greedy, power mad despots- but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt).

And if THAT makes me a crazy conspiracy theorist, I don’t know what else to say. I guess our degrees of what constitutes “Hey, there’s really weird shit going on” are way out of whack.

By the way…

Who could have possibly predicted that this would happen? That COVID would be used as an excuse to push mail in voting which would inevitably be fraught with problems, delay, and ripe for fraudulent abuse? What kind of Nostradamus could have foreseen all of this?

It was right there in front of you the whole time. You just needed to open your eyes.

Don’t act surprised when things get worse. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

Hang in there.

