September 11, 2021 — Mourn the Death of Truth

William Maize
8 min readSep 11, 2021

This September 11th sticks out. Not because 20 years makes for a nice round number, but because it marks the transition out of one “crisis” into another. As the “Global War on Terror” has finally died an ignoble death upon the inglorious and disastrous withdrawal of Americans from Afghanistan, our puppet of an “elected” leader meekly declared victory over it and declared war on our new enemy, which is now supposed to be “the virus”, and is quickly turning into “the noncompliant”.

This September 11th should not be merely a commemoration of the people who died during that attack and the wars that followed, complete with the usual empty platitudes and flag waving. It should be a day of awakening.

20 years ago we were sold a narrative about that day with inconsistencies that were never fully explained. At the time I, along with most of the world, believed the official narrative. I personally participated in the following wars actually believing that I was acting as an agent of something good, something better than myself. By the time I left the military and rejoined the campaign as a security contractor, I became disillusioned about the mission. It was simply a paycheck at that point.

I don’t know whether the establishment is getting worse at lying, or if they have simply grown so bold as to feel that they don’t have to be good at it anymore, but the obvious and blatant propaganda surrounding our “new enemy” in this “pandemic” has made me jaded. When you apply fresh eyes to 9/11 with this ability to spot the BS coming out of news reporter’s mouths and government “officials”, you quickly find that things don’t add up.

20 years ago it was the left that was suspicious of the power grab that became the PATRIOT act and unprecedented surveillance. They marched against the wars that followed, insisting that we were not fighting to protect the nation but for the interests of oil, money and power. Many of them who questioned the official narrative were branded conspiracy theorists and idiots.

Now it’s the right’s turn to be enemies of the State, and to be the kooks and conspiracy theorists as they question the official narrative about COVID-19.

And all the while we bicker with each other and finger point, the Corporate-Financial-Techno-State globalist apparatus has been growing, ever hungrier, consuming more and more of our lives. We dance on the puppet strings of our globalist masters but many, myself included, are starting to realize this.

And once you realize this, you see that this is not a new phenomenon. It forces you to revisit events you took as gospel in history class, and you start to see incidents throughout history that are mired in the stink of corruption, scandal, shady operatives, a thin cover story, and a massive amount of propaganda pushing the “official story”.

Some examples would be:

-The disappearance of Malaysian flight 370

-The assassination of JFK

-The Gulf of Tonkin incident

-The USS Liberty incident

-Deepwater Horizon

-Sandy Hook

-Everything involving Bill and Hillary Clinton

-Everything involving the Bush family

Even Pearl Harbor has some questionable aspects- including what and how much FDR’s administration knew before the attack

And many “Conspiracy Theories” have actually been confirmed and are undeniable. These include:

-The intentional poisoning of alcohol by Department of Treasury officials during Prohibition, resulting in deaths. These were initially blamed on methanol poisoning from bootlegged booze. Treasury agents were actively poisoning booze with chloroform.

-The Tuskegee Study

-The administration of polio vaccines contaminated with carcinogenic agents all the way up until 1963

-Operation Northwoods


- The Iran Contra affair

-The fabrication of the “Weapons of Mass Destruction” casus bellum

-Everything uncovered by Wikileaks, the most consequential being the Illegal NSA spying of all American telecommunications traffic

Hell, you can go back to the sinking of the USS Maine.

Maybe some of these are explained by the official story. I don’t deny that many conspiracy theories are likely false. But to lump all of these in with Flat Earthers and label everything against the official line as “kook conspiracy theories” is dangerous. (And isn’t it a bit weird that Flat Earthers and Antivaxxers became so high profile in the past few years, almost to set up a straw man to compare “other conspiracy theorists” to?)

The Media-Corporate-State alliance has lied to you in the past, is lying to you now, and will lie to you in the future.

So maybe on this September 11th we not only memorialize the dead, but commemorate it as a day of enlightenment. A day of inquiry and critical thinking. A day where you examine stories you’ve been told through a different lens, while you’re still able to, before it all gets memoryholed. Get out of your comfy spheres of Google, CNN, Fox News, Wikipedia, Facebook and Twitter. Venture out into the wild wasteland of the World Wide Web. Read as much as you can. Maybe *gasp* pick up some books. Go as nutty and far-fetched as you can.

You may see naughty words, disgusting images, depraved individuals, absolute lunatics, racists, anti-semites, communists, fascists, pedophile advocates, furries, and all sorts of deranged crap. Do it anyway. These places are the last bastions of free speech.

Do not be afraid of being “indoctrinated” into believing in Scientology, Reptilians, white supremacy, 5G towers as mind control, simulation theory, HAARP or whatever the hell you read. You own your own mind. You have the capacity to think. You have the capacity to weigh evidence and come to conclusions. You have the capacity to use that BS detector in your brain.

Maybe you can’t reach conclusions- I don’t claim that I do- but you should be able to discern that the things reported on your TV do not comport to reality. You should be able to see to at least some degree what is part of the Matrix and what is not.

You may be confused. You may be disenchanted. Hell it might even make you depressed, but you are not obliged to participate in lies. Finding the truth is difficult. The truth is elusive, but the ability to spot and resist lies is much easier.

When Bloomberg and the New York Times start running articles telling you not to think critically and to not do your own research, you know I’m on to something.

Generally speaking, it’s probably a good idea to do the opposite of whatever the media says nowadays.

Make September 11th, 2021 a day of awakening. Mourn the death of truth as you mourn the dead.

“Yes, at first it will not be fair. Someone will have to temporarily lose his job. For the young who seek to live by truth, this will at first severely complicate life, for their tests and quizzes, too, are stuffed with lies, and so choices will have to be made. But there is no loophole left for anyone who seeks to be honest: Not even for a day, not even in the safest technical occupations can he avoid even a single one of the listed choices — to be made in favor of either truth or lies, in favor of spiritual independence or spiritual servility. And as for him who lacks the courage to defend even his own soul: Let him not brag of his progressive views, boast of his status as an academician or a recognized artist, a distinguished citizen or general. Let him say to himself plainly: I am cattle, I am a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill.”

  • Solzhenitsyn “Live Not By Lies”

“But Blorch, How do you know they are lying to you?”
Examples Below

